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Very Long R code
# source code of stats::lmfunction (formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, method ="qr", model =TRUE, x =FALSE, y =FALSE, qr =TRUE, singular.ok =TRUE, contrasts =NULL, offset, ...) { ret.x <- x ret.y <- y cl < mf < =FALSE) m <-match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset"), names(mf), 0L) mf <- mf[c(1L, m)] mf$drop.unused.levels <-TRUE mf[[1L]] <-quote(stats::model.frame) mf <-eval(mf, parent.frame())if (method =="model.frame") return(mf)elseif (method !="qr") warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'", method), domain =NA) mt <-attr(mf, "terms") y <-model.response(mf, "numeric") w <-as.vector(model.weights(mf))if (!is.null(w) &&!is.numeric(w)) stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector") offset <-model.offset(mf) mlm <-is.matrix(y) ny <-if (mlm) nrow(y)elselength(y)if (!is.null(offset)) {if (!mlm) offset <-as.vector(offset)if (NROW(offset) != ny) stop(gettextf("number of offsets is %d, should equal %d (number of observations)", NROW(offset), ny), domain =NA) }if (is.empty.model(mt)) { x <-NULL z <-list(coefficients =if (mlm) matrix(NA_real_, 0, ncol(y)) elsenumeric(), residuals = y, fitted.values =0* y, weights = w, rank = 0L, df.residual =if (!is.null(w)) sum(w !=0) else ny)if (!is.null(offset)) { z$fitted.values <- offset z$residuals <- y - offset } }else { x <-model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts) z <-if (is.null(w)), y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...)elselm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) }class(z) <-c(if (mlm) "mlm", "lm") z$na.action <-attr(mf, "na.action") z$offset <- offset z$contrasts <-attr(x, "contrasts") z$xlevels <-.getXlevels(mt, mf) z$call <- cl z$terms <- mtif (model) z$model <- mfif (ret.x) z$x <- xif (ret.y) z$y <- yif (!qr) z$qr <-NULL z}
Lua code
-- code snippet taken from -- for demo.-- counts words in a documentwords=0wordcount={Str=function(el)-- we don't count a word if it's entirely punctuation:ifel.text:match("%P")thenwords=words+1endend,Code=function(el)_,n=el.text:gsub("%S+","")words=words+nend,CodeBlock=function(el)_,n=el.text:gsub("%S+","")words=words+nend}function Pandoc(el)-- skip metadata, just count body:el.blocks:walk(wordcount)print(words.." words in body")os.exit(0)end